Now, we will finally begin to work with the Creation Kit to create our own items. Anyone who owns Skyrim already owns the Creation Kit. You simply need to download it through the tools section in your Steam Library. Once you have the Creation Kit installed and launched, you are ready to begin the tutorial.
Part 6: Adding Armor to the Creation Kit. Part 7: Creating NEW Armor in Blender. Addendum: Skin Partitions / Body Parts / Biped Objects Reference Sheet. In my bid to understand why none of my modified armors worked in game, I've delved deep into the steaming underbelly of Nifskope to dissect every miniscule part of how the Skyrim body works. The Creation Kit is a valuable tool for Skyrim as it allows users to create and/or edit mods. It can be used to fix and change things not possible with the other 3rd party tools. Similar to Skyrim, the Creation Kit does not have default ini files until it is started for the first time and requires some basic setup to work properly for the. The Creation Kit tutorials offer a host of various tips, tricks and guides on how to get the most out of Bethesda's modding software.In today's tutorial;Just. Beginners should consider trying some Creation Kit tutorials first. For step-by-step examples, see 'Convert Black Sacrament Armor to SE' and 'Update Meshes for Skyrim SE'. When transferring existing plugins from Skyrim 2011 to Skyrim Special Edition (SE), there are a few important changes to consider. Many mods should convert without.
In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a sword.
Step 1: Loading the Skyrim Master File
The easiest way to create your own items is to edit a current item. To do this, we will first load up the Skyrim master file so we can see all the items in the game.
- Go to File>Data…
- A new window should open up called 'Data.'
- Double click on the square next to 'Skyrim.esm' so that a black 'x' appears. See Figure 1.
- Hit 'OK.'
- After a few moments, a prompt should appear, press 'Yes to all.'
Figure 1: Load the Skyrim master file so that we can base our mod off of existing items.
The Creation Kit will freeze up for a few moments as it loads the file.
Step 2: Finding the Item to Edit
Once the Creation Kit has finished loading the master file, your ‘Object Window' should be now be populated with a huge amount of objects.
- In your 'Object Window', go to Items>Weapon>WEAPONS.
- In the 'Filter' type in 'ironsword'.
Near the bottom of the list, you should see 'IronSword'. See Figure 2.
Figure 2: Here is where the IronSword object is located.
Step 3: Editing the Item
If you double click on the 'IronSword' it will bring up the item's object window where you can edit nearly every aspect of the weapon. However, for the purposes of this tutorial we will only be concerned with a few of these fields.
- ID: This is the string that the game uses to identify the item in the Creation Kit.
- Name: This is the name of the item as it will appear in-game and in menus.
- Value: This is the base price of the item.
- Weight: This is the base weight of the item.
- Speed: This is the base attack speed of the weapon.
- Damage: This is the base damage of the weapon.
- Crit % Mult: This affects how often the weapon will score a critical strike.
- Crit Dmg: This is how much additional damage the weapon does on a critical strike.
Figure 3 shows the ModSword object window with these fields filled out with my customized stats.
Step 4: Saving our Mod
Once you are satisfied with the stats on your weapon, you are ready to save your new mod.
- Hit 'OK' on the item's object window.
- Hit 'Yes' on the prompt to create a new form for the item (unless you want to overwrite the existing item).
- Search for 'ModSword' in the 'Filter' and our new item should appear.
- Go to File>Save.
- Save our mod as 'ModSword.esp'.
Now, our mod should show up in our SkyrimData folder as 'ModSword.esp'.
Step 5: Loading up our Mod
Now, if we launch the Nexus Mod Manager, our mod should appear in the 'Plugins' list. Simply click the check box next to your plugin to ensure that the game will load your mod. See Figure 4.
Figure 4: Our ModSword is now loaded into Skyrim's mod load order.
Skyrim Creation Kit Change Armor Slot Machine
Finally, you are now ready to launch Skyrim and play with your new item.
In order to obtain your item simply:
- Load a saved game.
- Press the tilde (~) key to bring up the console window.
- Type the following exactly as it appears: help 'mod sword' 4
- Take note of the string of letters and numbers that appears next to the name of our item.
- Give yourself the item by typing the console command: player.additem
Figure 5 shows what our weapon looks like in-game.
Figure 5: Our newly created (and overpowered) sword.
Congratulations! You have successfully created your first mod!
- 2Skyrim Body parts numbers
- 3Setting the body slot in Skyrim
Skyrim Creation Kit Change Armor Slots
This guide includes all the body slots available for armours in Skyrim and their standard usage. Some of them are already used by Bethesda. In the case of slots not used in vanilla game, this guide indicates the reference usage that has been set by consensus between modders.
Skyrim Body parts numbers[edit]
Body slots used by Bethesda[edit]
Figure 5: Our newly created (and overpowered) sword.
Congratulations! You have successfully created your first mod!
- 2Skyrim Body parts numbers
- 3Setting the body slot in Skyrim
Skyrim Creation Kit Change Armor Slots
This guide includes all the body slots available for armours in Skyrim and their standard usage. Some of them are already used by Bethesda. In the case of slots not used in vanilla game, this guide indicates the reference usage that has been set by consensus between modders.
Skyrim Body parts numbers[edit]
Body slots used by Bethesda[edit]
This is the list of the body parts used by Bethesda and named in the Creation Kit:
- 30 - head
- 31 - hair
- 32 - body (full)
- 33 - hands
- 34 - forearms
- 35 - amulet
- 36 - ring
- 37 - feet
- 38 - calves
- 39 - shield
- 40 - tail
- 41 - long hair
- 42 - circlet
- 43 - ears
- 50 - decapitated head
- 51 - decapitate
- 61 - FX01
Other body parts that exist in vanilla nif models[edit]
- 44 - Used in bloodied dragon heads, so it is free for NPCs
- 45 - Used in bloodied dragon wings, so it is free for NPCs
- 47 - Used in bloodied dragon tails, so it is free for NPCs
- 130 - Used in helmetts that conceal the whole head and neck inside
- 131 - Used in open faced helmetshoods (Also the nightingale hood)
- 141 - Disables Hair Geometry like 131 and 31
- 142 - Used in circlets
- 143 - Disabled Ear geometry to prevent clipping issues?
- 150 - The gore that covers a decapitated head neck
- 230 - Neck, where 130 and this meets is the decapitation point of the neck
Free body slots and reference usage[edit]
- 44 - face/mouth
- 45 - neck (like a cape, scarf, or shawl, neck-tie etc)
- 46 - chest primary or outergarment
- 47 - back (like a backpack/wings etc)
- 48 - misc/FX (use for anything that doesnt fit in the list)
- 49 - pelvis primary or outergarment
- 52 - pelvis secondary or undergarment
- 53 - leg primary or outergarment or right leg
- 54 - leg secondary or undergarment or leftt leg
- 55 - face alternate or jewelry
- 56 - chest secondary or undergarment
- 57 - shoulder
- 58 - arm secondary or undergarment or left arm
- 59 - arm primary or outergarment or right arm
- 60 - misc/FX (use for anything that doesnt fit in the list)
Setting the body slot in Skyrim[edit]
In Skyrim you need to set the body slot used by a piece or armour in two places:
- In the Dismemberment data of the nif file
- In the Armor addon and Armor items in the Creation Kit
IMPORTANT: The body slot you set in the nif file and in the CK must be the same, or your armour will be invisible in game.
Required tools[edit]
- Nifskope: latest NifSkope version.
- Creation Kit: available on Steam (Menu option View -> Tools and then select Creation Kit)
Setting the body slot in the nif file[edit]
- Load the mesh into NifSkope
- Select the BSDismemberSkinInstance node of one of the NiTriShape nodes of your armour as shown in picture Adjusting the dismemberment data.
- In the Block details section expand the Partitions property.
- Expand the second Partitions property.
- Make sure that the Part Flag property has bloth flags selected: PF_EDITOR_VISIBLE and PF_START_NET_BONESET. If not, double click and select both flags from the drop down list.
- The Body Part property will contain one or more of the body parts ypu've created in Blender (BP_TORSO, BP_LEFTLEG or BP_RIGHTARM). Double click on these values and change them to:
- From BP_TORSO to 32
- From BP_RIGHTARM to 34
- From BP_LEFTLEG to 37
- Repeat this steps for all the BSDismemberSkinInstance nodes of all the NiTriShape nodes of your armour.
- Save the nif file.
Setting the body slot in the CK[edit]
- Load the esp file containing your armour in the CK
- Set the body slot in the Armor addon:
- Find the armour addon you want to modify and double click on it to open the screen showing its properties.
- Set the Biped Object for the Armor addon: the selected objects in this list are the dismemberment parts that form your armour. For armour covering the body you usually will select 32-Body, 34-Forearms and 38-Calves. For boots, you will select 37-Feet. Note that the number before the name is the same number you wrote in the Skin partition nodes of the nif file.
- Set the body slot in the Armor:
- Find the armour you want to modify and double click on it to open the screen showing its properties.
- Set the Biped Object for the Armor: the slot used by your armour when equipped.